Thursday, June 26, 2014

Thanks for the good times, Bats!

My final chapter of Batman Beyond 2.0 is finally out and I just wanted to publicly thank the rest of the Batman Beyond 2.0 team for being such an awesome bunch of guys.

Choosing to leave Batman Beyond 2.0 was a very difficult decision. I wish I could have continued on the book indefinitely. However, due to my growing work schedule at Titmouse Animation and my book, Tech Jacket, I was not able to give Batman Beyond the proper attention that I felt it deserved. To me, that would be a disservice to the character and to the team.

Though my role as colorist is a small part of a bigger picture, I do hope that the fans enjoyed what I brought to the comic. Working on the book was possibly the best professional experience I have had at DC Comics to date.

Know that this is not the end of me coloring things Batty related or for DC. The door is still open to small runs and covers etc. Unfortunately, I just cannot commit to a full series at this time.

To Alex, Thony and Kyle: I wish you guys good luck on the chapters to come.

This is for you.


Check checkout the HD version of my animation on my YouTube