I has been a wile since I Posted some art here. This is Old Solid Snake lighting a cigarette with a heated gun barrel. I'm not sure if you can really do that but I though it would be fun. This Piece stated out as a sketch I did between coloring jobs at work. I usually have it open in the background in Alis sketch pro when just in case I get a idea.
This week I decided I wanted to finish it so I can get more practice using painter.The first thing I did was get a bunch of reference for all the details on Old snakes outfit. If you at the sketch it doesn't march up. That's cause I drew the outfit from memory.
Finding good reference of snakes outfit was really hard because Kojima productions the creators of MGS4 don't tend to put out much production art. So I had to make do with screen shots.
Believe there are a couple different versions of the 3d model of Solid Snake for MGS4. Take a look at the first trailer's an then take a look at the footage from most resent trailer and demo. My snake is kind of an amalgam of all the different versions.
I really didn't have much of an idea to begin with. I just wanted to do a really detail digital painting of Snake. when I was about half way finished with painting, I stated thinking about backgrounds thats when I got the idea to do something like an art Nouveau painting. I Recently been really in to Nouveau art. I just bought two really great books with some nice reproductions of famous posters from France. If you don't know what art Nouveau you should check it out when you get the chance. Anyway there you have it Metal Gear Solid 4 Nouveau. I posted a hi res version so you can check out all the details.
The wallpaper version MGS4-Wallpaper
Solid Snake © Konomi, Inc.